Well, another Mercury retrograde has come and gone. And while this is not a special event in any way (we have these transits 3-4 times per year), it was a very interesting one for me personally, so here it is as the subject on my Mellow Monday blog post.
I'm sure you're thinking, what is "Mellow Monday"?
I'm coining the phrase "Mellow Monday" for my Monday blog posts because Monday gets a lot of bad press. If it is being represented in a positive light, it's all usually very "RA RA RA SIEZE THE DAY! GO GET IT BABE! ATTACK THE WEEK!" And hey, I was ALL for that until this recent Mercury retrograde. Attack is usually my default setting (I have lots of Mars activity in my natal chart), so I thought the highly ambitious and explosive start to the week was obviously the way to go.
I've been taking a very close, unfiltered look at myself this year. And if I'm being honest, while I'm highly ambitious, I don't actually like feeling like I'm "on the grind" or "hustling". I don't want to hustle. I want to work, I love my work! But I don't want to feel like I'm running all the time. I don't want to glorify the thought that "being busy" or "hustling" means you're achieving things. You can achieve things with ease.
I repeat, you can achieve things with ease.
Yes, yes you can.
What a radical notion! Once I accepted this about myself, I suddenly started getting more work done. If you are cutting down your work time, you then must prioritize. Prioritizing is an AMAZING tool! Once I got my vision focused on what I really wanted, all the things connected with that started to flow. I wasn't distracted about it being absolutely perfect, nor was I constantly criticizing myself for not doing "enough". I started checking goals off my now shorter list, that I had been trying to complete for some time.
So, as Mercury in Virgo stations direct, I invite you to adjust the vision from perfection to simple progression.
Warning: If you do this, you may start to find that the day of the week doesn't matter so much anymore.
This Mercury Rx in Virgo also brought a trio of my past relationships back to the surface. Ironically, two of these people are Virgo Suns and the other is a Virgo Rising. Each relationship (to clarify, these are friendships) came up in such a way, that there was an opportunity for me to pause and reassess if I wanted these people back in my life.
In my birth chart, Virgo rules my 3rd house of siblings. This means that people with big Virgo energy tend to feel like siblings to me, as did all
these three people. I approached each situation with a very open heart, BUT also a clear vision and defined boundaries for myself. I fostered some hope, but I also supported myself. These are people who hurt me, and my Pisces Sun tends to forgive a little too easily.
In the end, each situation proved my initial decision to pause and/or end the friendships to have been the correct one. I'm now able to move forward with a very clear conscious in honestly communicating with each person how I felt in a way that honoured me, and respected them. It also gave me the affirmation that I'm making the right calls for myself, and my family.
How has this Mercury Rx manifested for you? What house in your chart did it cover?
Share and let me know!
Lots of love,
Amber xx