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Writer's pictureAmber Chapplain

| False Peace & Cathartic Release. Lunar Eclipse in Libra. |

The hot astrology topic of the next 2 weeks is "eclipse season". You'll hear it again later this year in October, as we enter what will be the continuation of today's eclipse themes. "Eclipse season" happen twice a year in a set of two, or sometimes three, eclipses. You may notice some continuations of events that began back on our solar eclipse in Libra on October 14th, back in 2023, rearing their heads again.

Last night (March 25th) the eclipse was a Lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra. Lunar eclipses are much more emotionally charged than solar eclipses, as the Moon in full and revealing the energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. As a Moon ruled individual, I experienced a good sob. Allow yourself to receive the information that reveals itself and trust that this is landing in your life at the exact moment you need it. This is an energetic push to disrupt stagnant energies.

Libra has two distinct shadow qualities: indecision and passive aggressiveness. While Libra perceives the world as a mass of all connected parts, all equal to each other. While this can be aesthetically pleasing and give false peace, it just leads to more indecision by considering all choices equally valid. This promotes anxiety. Whether it's subconscious or conscious awareness, we know time is limited, and when we fail to make choices, we often block our inner peace and needlessly complicate our relationships.

Maybe we end up following someone else's choices, which inevitably leads to resentment. passive-aggressiveness also leads to manipulative tendencies, as out needs can't get met and avoidance becomes the default. This transit offers us an opportunity to become aware of and release any tendencies toward these behaviours. Sacrificing our truth to keep the peace, being inauthentically nice to be liked, going out of our way to get approval and validation from others, needs to be healed, resolved, and released into the fire.

The conjunction that this illumination is making with the South Node creates a potent time of cathartic release, cleansing, and purification and offers us chances to clear past karma and let go of our attachment to stories, identities, and wounds that prevent us from creating a different life. There is also a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, with these being in Air signs, it supports our ability to access an objective perspective of our emotional reality.

If we choose to grow in self-awareness, our relationships will need to be reorganized accordingly: some will naturally shift, some will end abruptly by choice, and some will evolve and deepen. Not all people will understand or react to this the way you would like, but that is their opportunity to either meet you in this higher vibration, or you'll ask them to kindly move out of the way.

The Libra eclipses (this currant one and the one this fall) offer opportunities to release indecisiveness. If you're not already standing firmly in your truth and avoiding it due to fear of confrontation, push yourself to move towards decisive action!

Great growth has never come from comfort zones. Nor does great healing.

Let this eclipse shed love, strength, healing and forgiveness upon you.

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